Definition of next


sát, gần, bên cạnh, lần sau, tiếp nữa


Definition of undefined

The word "next" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 9th century from the Old English word "næxt", which means "nearest" or "following". This Old English word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*naxts", which is also the source of the Modern German word "nächst". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), "next" began to be used as an adverb, meaning "following in order or sequence". Over time, the word evolved to encompass various meanings, including "subsequent", "adjacent", and "immediately after". Today, "next" is a common word in various contexts, from directions ("turn next left") to schedules ("the next meeting is in two weeks") to casual conversation ("what's next for you?"). Despite its widespread use, the word's origins remain rooted in Old English and Proto-Germanic, highlighting the complex and ever-changing nature of language.


coming straight after somebody/something in time, order or space

đi thẳng theo sau ai/cái gì đó trong thời gian, trật tự hoặc không gian

  • The next train to Baltimore is at ten.

    Chuyến tàu tiếp theo tới Baltimore lúc 10 giờ.

  • The next six months will be the hardest.

    Sáu tháng tới sẽ là thời điểm khó khăn nhất.

  • The next chapter deals with the post-war situation.

    Chương tiếp theo đề cập đến tình hình sau chiến tranh.

  • Who's next?

    Người tiếp theo?

  • The woman in the next room was talking in a very loud voice.

    Người phụ nữ ở phòng bên cạnh đang nói với giọng rất to.

  • The parcel will arrive in the next few days.

    Bưu kiện sẽ đến trong vài ngày tới.

  • I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital.

    Tôi ngất đi và điều tiếp theo tôi biết là mình đang ở bệnh viện.

  • Round here, you leave school and next thing you know you're married with three kids.

    Ở đây, bạn ra trường và điều tiếp theo là bạn biết mình đã kết hôn và có ba đứa con.

the Monday, week, etc. immediately following

thứ Hai, tuần, v.v. ngay sau đó

  • Next Thursday is 12 April.

    Thứ năm tới là ngày 12 tháng 4.

  • Next time I'll bring a book.

    Lần tới tôi sẽ mang theo một cuốn sách.

  • I'm going away next month.

    Tôi sẽ đi xa vào tháng tới.

  • Next month's rent is due today.

    Tiền thuê tháng tiếp theo sẽ đến hạn vào ngày hôm nay.


better luck next time
(informal)used to encourage somebody who has not been successful at something
  • Never mind— better luck next time.
  • If you didn't win a prize, better luck next time.
  • from one day to the next
    if a situation changes from one day to the next, it is uncertain and not likely to stay the same each day
  • I never know what to expect from one day to the next.
  • the next big thing
    (informal)a person or thing that people think will be very popular or successful soon
  • She has been talked up as the next big thing in British tennis.
  • Everyone is trying to guess what the next big thing in street fashion is going to be.
  • the next man, woman, person, etc.
    the average person
  • I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man, but this is going too far.
  • take something to the next level
    to further improve or develop something that is already successful
  • He decided to move to New York to take his career to the next level.
  • We are taking web design to the next level.