Definition of mule


con la


The word "mule" refers to a hybrid animal that is the result of mating a male donkey (jack) with a female horse (mare). This crossbreed is not fertile, and in the past, mules were highly valued for their strength and hardiness, making them ideal for work in agriculture, mining, and transportation. The origin of the word "mule" can be traced back to medieval Latin, from where it entered various Romance languages, including French, Spanish, and Italian. The exact etymology of the term is uncertain, but it is believed to come from the Latin word "mula," which means "she-ass." The word "mula" itself may have been derived from the Etruscan language, where it referred to a specific breed of donkey used for transportation. Alternatively, some scholars suggest that the term could have originated from the Greek word "mulos," meaning "animated statue" or "clay model." In English, the word "mule" first appeared in the late 14th century, and its meaning remained largely unchanged over time. Today, the term is commonly used to refer to the animal as well as to the trait of stubbornness, which is sometimes likened to that of a mule. Overall, the word "mule" serves as a reminder of the rich linguistic heritage and cultural exchange that has occurred between the Mediterranean and Western European civilizations over the centuries.


an animal that has a female horse and a male donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads

một con vật có bố mẹ là ngựa cái và lừa đực, đặc biệt dùng để chở hàng

  • He's as stubborn as a mule.

    Anh ta cứng đầu như một con la.

  • a man on a mule

    một người đàn ông trên một con la

a person who is paid to take drugs illegally from one country to another

người được trả tiền để sử dụng ma túy bất hợp pháp từ nước này sang nước khác

  • a drug/drugs mule

    một con la ma túy/ma túy

  • The authorities believe these men are important figures in the drug trade, not merely mules.

    Nhà chức trách tin rằng những người đàn ông này là những nhân vật quan trọng trong buôn bán ma túy chứ không chỉ đơn thuần là những con la.

a slipper (= a soft shoe for wearing indoors) or a woman's shoe that is open around the heel

một chiếc dép (= một chiếc giày mềm để đi trong nhà) hoặc giày của phụ nữ hở quanh gót chân