Definition of molest


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The word "molest" originated from the Old French word "molest", which meant "to annoy or trouble". The French word, in turn, was derived from the Latin word "molestus", meaning "troublesome" or "annoying". In its original form, the word "molest" was not associated with any criminal or immoral connotation. It simply referred to any action that caused discomfort or annoyance to the receiving person. However, over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include criminal acts, particularly those related to unwanted sexual advances against another person. In English, the word "molest" was first recorded in the late 14th century, and its meaning steadily progressed from its earlier usage as a general term referring to any disturbances to its modern meaning of "to commit a crime involving unwelcome and usually sexual contact with another person". Now, "molest" is typically associated with child or sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or other forms of unwanted physical contact against another person's will or consent. Its current meaning highlights the serious and sensitive nature of the actions it describes, emphasizing the gravity of such offenses.


to attack somebody, especially a child, sexually

tấn công ai đó, đặc biệt là trẻ em, về mặt tình dục

Related words and phrases

to attack somebody physically

tấn công ai đó về mặt thể xác

  • The couple were molested while walking through the park.

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