Definition of midst




The word "midst" is an Old English word that was derived from two ancient Germanic elements: "mid," meaning "middle," and "st," which denotes a verbal stem used for forming adverbs and adjectives. Originally, "midst" referred primarily to a temporal or spatial location in the middle of something. Over time, its meaning evolved to encompass a more figurative sense, describing a state or position that is central to a particular circumstance. In Middle English, around the 12th century, the usage of "midst" expanded to include the concept of the heart or center of an event or situation, in addition to its more literal sense. The Old English term "myddest" altered over time into the modern English word "midst." As English came into contact with other languages and dialects, particularly Old Norse and Old Dutch, "midst" became increasingly common and eventually established itself as a part of the English lexicon. Today, it is a versatile word that continues to play an important role in the English language, highlighting the significance and gravity of matters that are crucial to a given context.

  • In the midst of the bustling city, Mary found a quiet spot to read her book.

    Giữa thành phố nhộn nhịp, Mary tìm thấy một nơi yên tĩnh để đọc sách.

  • Amidst the chaos of the construction zone, the workers were getting the job done efficiently.

    Giữa cảnh hỗn loạn của khu vực xây dựng, các công nhân vẫn hoàn thành công việc một cách hiệu quả.

  • During the midst of the storm, the power suddenly went out, leaving the family unprepared.

    Giữa cơn bão, điện đột nhiên mất khiến gia đình không kịp chuẩn bị.

  • As he sat in the midst of the crowd, John couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the energy and noise.

    Khi ngồi giữa đám đông, John không khỏi cảm thấy choáng ngợp bởi năng lượng và tiếng ồn.

  • In the midst of her illness, Sarah remained hopeful and upbeat, choosing to focus on positive thoughts.

    Trong thời gian mắc bệnh, Sarah vẫn giữ được niềm hy vọng và sự lạc quan, chọn tập trung vào những suy nghĩ tích cực.

  • In the midst of the argument, it was difficult to know who was right or wrong.

    Trong lúc tranh luận, thật khó để biết ai đúng ai sai.

  • Upon entering the room, John suddenly found himself in the midst of a heated debate.

    Khi bước vào phòng, John đột nhiên thấy mình đang ở giữa một cuộc tranh luận gay gắt.

  • As she stood in the midst of the garden, the beauty and calmness of nature surrounded her.

    Khi cô đứng giữa khu vườn, vẻ đẹp và sự yên bình của thiên nhiên bao quanh cô.

  • The teacher tried her best to remain patient in the midst of the disruptive students.

    Cô giáo đã cố gắng hết sức để kiên nhẫn giữa đám học sinh gây rối.

  • In the midst of the celebrations, Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and gratitude.

    Giữa không khí lễ hội, Emily không khỏi cảm thấy vui sướng và biết ơn.


in their/our/its/your midst
(formal)among or with them/us/it/you
  • There is a traitor in our midst.
  • in the midst of (doing) something
    while something is happening or being done; while you are doing something
  • a country in the midst of a recession
  • She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things.
  • She alone remained calm in the midst of all the confusion.