Definition of during


trong lúc, trong thời gian


Definition of undefined

The word "during" has its roots in Old English. It comes from the Proto-Germanic word "*durinkiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "während" and the Dutch word "terwijl". This Proto-Germanic word is thought to be derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*dru-", which meant "to hold" or "to support". In Old English, the word "during" was spelled "þurh" and was used to indicate a period of time or a duration. For example, "þurh þe niht" meant "through the night". Over time, the spelling changed to "during", and the meaning expanded to include the sense of simultaneous occurrence, as in "during the meal". Today, "during" is a common preposition in modern English, used to indicate a period of time or simultaneous occurrence.


all through a period of time

suốt một khoảng thời gian

  • during the 1990s

    trong những năm 1990

  • There are extra flights to Colorado during the winter.

    Có thêm chuyến bay đến Colorado trong mùa đông.

  • Please remain seated during the performance.

    Hãy ngồi yên trong suốt buổi biểu diễn.

at some point in a period of time

tại một thời điểm nào đó trong một khoảng thời gian

  • He was taken to the hospital during the night.

    Anh ấy được đưa đến bệnh viện trong đêm.

  • I only saw her once during my stay in Rome.

    Tôi chỉ gặp cô ấy một lần trong thời gian tôi ở Rome.