Definition of enclosed


gửi kèm


The word "enclosed" has its roots in Old French "enclus", which is derived from the Latin "inclusive", meaning "to shut in". This Latin word is a combination of "in", meaning "in" or "within", and "clus", meaning "shut" or "closed". The Old French "enclus" was later adopted into Middle English as "enclowsed", and eventually evolved into the modern English word "enclosed". In its earliest sense, "enclosed" referred to something that was literally shut in or surrounded by boundary markers, such as a fence or wall. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include abstract notions of being confined or limited to a particular space or context. Today, "enclosed" is used in a wide range of contexts, including architecture, contract law, and everyday language.


with walls, etc. all around

với các bức tường, v.v. xung quanh

  • Do not use this substance in an enclosed space.

    Không sử dụng chất này trong không gian kín.

  • I can't stand being shut in a small enclosed space.

    Tôi không thể chịu được việc bị nhốt trong một không gian nhỏ hẹp và kín.

sent with a letter, etc.

được gửi kèm theo thư, v.v.

  • Please complete the enclosed application form.

    Vui lòng điền vào mẫu đơn đính kèm.

  • Please find enclosed a cheque for £100.

    Xin vui lòng xem kèm theo tấm séc trị giá 100 bảng Anh.

having little contact with the outside world

ít tiếp xúc với thế giới bên ngoài

  • an enclosed order of monks

    một trật tự khép kín của các nhà sư

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