Definition of merrily


vui vẻ


"Merrily" stems from the Old English word "mærige," meaning "joyful" or "merry." This word, in turn, likely originated from a Proto-Germanic root word, "margaz," meaning "horse." This connection might seem strange, but horses were often associated with celebrations and festivity in ancient cultures. Over time, "mærige" evolved into "merry" and eventually "merrily," signifying a cheerful and joyful manner.


in a happy, cheerful way

một cách vui vẻ, hạnh phúc

  • They chatted merrily.

    Họ trò chuyện vui vẻ.

without thinking about the problems that your actions might cause

mà không nghĩ đến những vấn đề mà hành động của bạn có thể gây ra

  • She carried on merrily, not realizing the offence she was causing.

    Cô ấy tiếp tục vui vẻ mà không nhận ra hành vi phạm tội mà mình đang gây ra.

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