Definition of madhouse


nhà thương điên


The term "madhouse" originated in the 16th century, referring to a place where "mad" people were confined. It evolved from the earlier phrase "house of madmen" and was influenced by the medieval concept of "bedlam," a term for a chaotic environment. "Madhouse" emphasizes the confinement and perceived lack of reason in these institutions, reflecting the societal stigma associated with mental illness at the time.


a place where there is noise and a lack of order

một nơi ồn ào và thiếu trật tự

  • Don't work in that department; it's a madhouse.

    Đừng làm việc ở bộ phận đó; đó là một nhà thương điên.

a hospital for people who are mentally ill

bệnh viện dành cho người bệnh tâm thần