Definition of asylum


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The word "asylum" originated in ancient Greece, where it was used to describe a sanctuary or a place of refuge. The Greek word "asyla" translated as "unharmed" and "unviolated" provided the root for the English word "asylum." In ancient times, asylums were places where people took shelter for religious or political reasons. For example, in Greece, a person seeking protection from harm could run to an asylum, and to do so, they would have to toss aside a sacred object or perform some other ritual as a symbolic offering. The meaning of asylum evolved over time, and by the medieval period, it was widely used to describe a hospital or a shelter for the elderly or the poor. It was also used for institutions that cared for mentally ill individuals. The term "insane asylum" emerged in the late 18th century, and it was commonly used to describe institutions for the mentally ill. These asylums were often overcrowded, understaffed, and poorly funded, and they became notorious for their mistreatment of patients. Today, the word "asylum" is still associated with mental institutions, but it's also used more broadly to describe a place of safe haven for people seeking protection from danger, such as political persecution or violence. The meaning of the word "asylum" continues to evolve, but its roots in ancient Greek remain unchanged - a place of safety and refuge.


protection that a government gives to people who have left their own country, usually because they were in danger for political reasons

sự bảo vệ mà chính phủ dành cho những người đã rời khỏi đất nước của họ, thường là vì họ gặp nguy hiểm vì lý do chính trị

  • to seek/apply for/be granted asylum

    tìm kiếm/đăng ký/được cấp nơi tị nạn

  • There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed.

    Đã có một cuộc tranh luận trên toàn quốc về việc liệu có nên thay đổi luật tị nạn hay không.

Extra examples:
  • She fled the country, and is now seeking asylum in Sweden.

    Cô đã trốn khỏi đất nước và hiện đang xin tị nạn ở Thụy Điển.

  • They applied for asylum after being tortured in their own country.

    Họ nộp đơn xin tị nạn sau khi bị tra tấn trên chính đất nước của họ.

  • She was granted political asylum by Canada in 2013.

    Cô được Canada cấp tị nạn chính trị vào năm 2013.

  • Over 400 people have been refused asylum.

    Hơn 400 người đã bị từ chối tị nạn.

  • Those fleeing from the war have the right to asylum.

    Những người chạy trốn chiến tranh có quyền tị nạn.

a hospital where people who were mentally ill could be cared for, often for a long time

bệnh viện nơi những người bị bệnh tâm thần có thể được chăm sóc, thường là trong thời gian dài