Definition of elevated




The word "elevated" originates from the Latin word "elevatus," the past participle of "elevare," meaning "to raise, lift up." This root can be traced back to the Latin word "levis," meaning "light, easy," which suggests the idea of something being raised or lifted as if it were light and easy. Over time, "elevatus" evolved into the Old French word "elevé" and eventually into the English word "elevated," retaining its core meaning of being raised or positioned higher than something else.


high in rank

thứ hạng cao

  • an elevated status

    một trạng thái nâng cao

having a high moral or intellectual level

có trình độ đạo đức hoặc trí tuệ cao

  • elevated language/sentiments/thoughts

    nâng cao ngôn ngữ/tình cảm/suy nghĩ

higher than the area around; above the level of the ground

cao hơn khu vực xung quanh; trên mặt đất

  • The house is in an elevated position, overlooking the town.

    Ngôi nhà nằm ở vị trí cao, nhìn ra thị trấn.

  • an elevated highway/railway/road (= one that runs on a bridge above the ground or street)

    đường cao tốc/đường sắt/đường bộ trên cao (= đường chạy trên cây cầu phía trên mặt đất hoặc đường phố)

higher than normal

cao hơn bình thường

  • elevated blood pressure

    tăng huyết áp

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