Definition of knob


nút vặn


The origin of the English word "knob" can be traced back to the Old English word "cnīfa," which means "knife." Yes, you read that right. It might come as a surprise because today, a knob is a protruding or round object serving as a handle, fastener, or ornamental piece, but the evolution of the word is an interesting one. In the early Middle English period (1100-1500), the word "cnīfa" changed in pronunciation, and it became "nif." As time passed by, the "i" vowel that had remained in the word was dropped, and it became "nof." By the late Middle English period (1400-1500), "nof" had a specific meaning regarding round shape. Its meaning shifted to refer to a round or projection with no apparent purpose, and it became "knof," which led to the modern-day word "knob." Another possible theory for the origin of the word "knob" comes from the Old Norse word "knútr," which is related to knots and knitting. It's speculated that "knob" might have derived from this word, as both share a similar meaning and origin. Regardless of the exact origin, the word "knob" has evolved over time, and it now has multiple meanings, ranging from a natural outgrowth on a surface to an artificial knob used as a handle or fastener. Its versatility and use in different contexts reflect the rich history and cultural heritage of the English language.


a round switch on a machine such as a radio that you use to turn it on and off, etc.

một công tắc tròn trên máy chẳng hạn như radio mà bạn sử dụng để bật và tắt, v.v.

  • the volume control knob

    núm điều chỉnh âm lượng

  • I've tried fiddling with the knobs, but nothing seems to happen.

    Tôi đã thử vặn các nút bấm nhưng dường như không có gì xảy ra.

a round handle on a door or a drawer

một tay cầm tròn trên cửa hoặc ngăn kéo

  • I tried the knob, and this time the door opened.

    Tôi thử nắm đấm, và lần này cửa mở ra.

  • She turned the heavy brass door knob.

    Cô xoay nắm cửa nặng nề bằng đồng.

a round shape like a ball on the surface or end of something

một hình tròn giống như một quả bóng trên bề mặt hoặc phần cuối của một cái gì đó

  • He carried a long cane, tipped with an iron knob.

    Anh ta mang theo một cây gậy dài có đầu bằng một núm sắt.

  • The bird's bill is orange with a black knob at its base.

    Mỏ của con chim có màu cam với một núm màu đen ở gốc.

a small piece of something such as butter

một miếng nhỏ của cái gì đó như bơ

a penis

một dương vật


with knobs on
(British English, slang)used to say that something is a more complicated version of what you mention
  • It isn't art—it's just a horror movie with knobs on!