Definition of reservoir


Hồ chứa


The word "reservoir" comes from the Latin word "reserva" meaning a "provision" or "store". During the Middle Ages, this term was commonly used to describe any container or location that stored large quantities of a valuable resource, such as grain, wine, or oil. As the importance of water resources grew in Europe, the term began to refer specifically to artificial or natural bodies of water used as a source of water for human use. This expanded definition of a reservoir as a water storage facility was introduced during the 18th Century, and has remained in use since then. Today, reservoirs are vital infrastructure features in water resource management, serving as crucial sources of water for agriculture, industry, and urban communities, especially during times of drought or water shortages.


a natural or artificial lake where water is stored before it is taken by pipes to houses, etc.

một hồ nước tự nhiên hoặc nhân tạo nơi nước được lưu trữ trước khi được dẫn bằng đường ống đến nhà, v.v.

  • The water content of the country's reservoirs had fallen to less than 50% of their capacity.

    Hàm lượng nước trong các hồ chứa của đất nước đã giảm xuống dưới 50% công suất.

  • They got up early and went for a swim in the reservoir.

    Họ dậy sớm và đi bơi trong hồ chứa nước.

a large amount of something that is available to be used

một lượng lớn cái gì đó có sẵn để sử dụng

  • We can tap into the vast reservoir of information available on the internet

    Chúng ta có thể khai thác kho thông tin khổng lồ có sẵn trên internet

a place in an engine or a machine where a liquid is kept before it is used

một vị trí trong động cơ hoặc máy móc nơi chất lỏng được lưu giữ trước khi sử dụng

  • an oil reservoir

    một hồ chứa dầu