Definition of inventive


sáng tạo


The word "inventive" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "inventare" means "to discover" or "to find out". This verb is composed of "in-" (meaning "in" or "into") and "ventare" (meaning "to find" or "to discover"). The word "inventive" was first used in English in the 15th century, and it initially referred to the act of discovering or finding out something new. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of creating or producing something new and original. In the 17th century, the word "inventive" began to be used to describe a person's ability to create or bring forth something new, such as a work of art or a scientific discovery. Today, the word is often used to describe someone's creative or innovative abilities, whether in art, science, or other fields.


able to think of new and interesting ideas

có thể nghĩ ra những ý tưởng mới và thú vị

  • She has a highly inventive mind.

    Cô ấy có đầu óc sáng tạo rất cao.

Related words and phrases

new and interesting

mới và thú vị

  • This is a courageous and inventive piece of film-making.

    Đây là một cách làm phim can đảm và sáng tạo.