Definition of ingenious


khéo léo


The word "ingenious" derives from the Latin word "ingeniosus," which means "having talent, resourceful, or clever." In medieval Latin, this word was used to describe someone with a natural ability to invent or create something new and useful. The term "ingenious" appeared in Middle English in the 1300s and initially had a more specific meaning related to engineering and mechanics. It was often used to describe machines or devices that were ingeniously designed to serve a particular purpose, such as a water mill or a clock. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include a wider range of innovative and creative qualities, such as originality, insight, and resourcefulness. It now refers to anything that is impressively clever, inventive, or imaginative, whether it's a technical achievement, an artistic feat, or simply a clever solution to a problem. So, in essence, "ingenious" means having the natural talent and resourcefulness to create something new, useful, and impressive by combining intelligence, creativity, and practical skills.


very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas

rất phù hợp cho một mục đích cụ thể và là kết quả của những ý tưởng mới thông minh

  • an ingenious device/invention/experiment

    một thiết bị/phát minh/thí nghiệm khéo léo

  • ingenious ways of saving energy

    những cách tiết kiệm năng lượng khéo léo

  • His plots are always very ingenious.

    Những âm mưu của anh ấy luôn rất khéo léo.

having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things

có nhiều ý tưởng mới thông minh và giỏi phát minh ra mọi thứ

  • an ingenious cook

    một đầu bếp khéo léo

  • She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.

    Cô ấy rất khéo léo khi tìm lời bào chữa.