Definition of interpose


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The word "interpose" originates from the Latin phrase "interponere", which means "to put among". In Latin, "inter" means "among" or "between", and "ponere" means "to put". When used as a verb, "interponere" means to insert or intervene between two things, such as a mediator intervening in a dispute. The word "interpose" was borrowed into Middle English from Old French "interposer", and has been used in English since the 13th century. Initially, it meant to insert or put something between two things, but over time its meaning has expanded to include the sense of intervening or mediating in a situation. Today, the word "interpose" is often used in formal and literary contexts to describe actions such as intervention, mediation, or obstruction, and has a slightly formal tone to it.


to add a question or remark into a conversation

để thêm một câu hỏi hoặc nhận xét vào một cuộc trò chuyện

  • ‘Just a minute,’ Charles interposed. ‘How do you know?’

    “Đợi một chút,” Charles xen vào. 'Làm sao bạn biết?'

to place somebody/something between two people or things

đặt ai/cái gì vào giữa hai người hoặc đồ vật

  • He quickly interposed himself between Mel and the doorway.

    Anh nhanh chóng chen vào giữa Mel và cánh cửa.