Definition of intercept


đánh chặn


The word "intercept" is derived from the Latin terms "inter" (meaning between) and "capere" (meaning to take). In Middle English, this word was first used in the context of warfare, referring to capturing or seizing enemy soldiers or messages in between their path of travel. During the Renaissance, the term "intercept" gained a mathematical and scientific meaning. Mathematically, it refers to finding the point where two curves or lines meet or where a line intersects another curve. In physics, it denotes stopping or capturing a moving object or signal before it reaches its intended destination or target. Over time, the term "intercept" has expanded to include various other contexts, such as in computer science to refer to interrupting the normal flow of data in a system or network, in communication technology to describe the act of intercepting and deciphering electronic messages or signals, and in economics to denote a dividend payment that is paid to preferred shareholders before any dividends are issued to common shareholders, which is known as "intercepting" the common stock dividends. Overall, the meaning of "intercept" has evolved and broadened across various fields based on the needs of the particular context. Nonetheless, the original meaning of capturing or taking something between two points is central to all these different uses of the word.


to stop somebody/something that is going from one place to another from arriving

ngăn chặn ai/cái gì đang đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác đến nơi

  • Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel.

    Các phóng viên đã chặn anh ta khi anh ta cố gắng rời khỏi khách sạn.

  • The letter was intercepted.

    Bức thư đã bị chặn lại.

to stop the ball, etc. while it is being thrown, hit or kicked between players of the opposing team

dừng bóng, v.v... trong khi bóng đang được ném, đánh hoặc đá giữa các cầu thủ của đội đối phương

  • Hurst intercepted a pass intended for Julio Jones.

    Hurst chặn đường chuyền dành cho Julio Jones.

to receive a message sent electronically before it reaches the person who was meant to receive it

nhận được một tin nhắn được gửi bằng điện tử trước khi nó đến tay người nhận nó

  • Intelligence agencies have been unable to intercept any communications between members of the group.

    Các cơ quan tình báo đã không thể chặn bất kỳ thông tin liên lạc nào giữa các thành viên của nhóm.