Definition of inspect


quan sát


The word "inspect" originated in the Middle English language around the 14th century. It derives from two Old French words, "in-" and "specchen," which combined to mean "to look into" or "to examine closely." The prefix "in-" originally meant "in," but over time, it came to represent ideas of extent, intensity, and completeness. In Old French, "in-" was commonly used with a variety of other prefixes to form more complex words with new meanings. In "inspect," the "in-" is combined with "specchen," which means "look" or "see," in the sense of studying or observing something in detail. The Old French word "specchen" itself can be traced back to the Latin word "secutus," which translates to "someone who follows." The English word "inspector," which means someone who inspects, has its roots in this Latin word. The verb "inspect" has a Latin origin as well, as it is derived from the Latin word "spectare," which means "to look at" or "to observe." The Latin prefix "in-" is also present here, adding the idea of thoroughness and scrutiny to the concept of observation. Today, the verb "inspect" is commonly used to describe the process of examining or analyzing something to ensure its quality, safety, or compliance with standards. In some industries, such as manufacturing, engineering, or safety regulation, inspectors play a critical role in ensuring that products or services meet certain standards and do not pose a danger to users or other stakeholders.


to look closely at something/somebody, especially to check that everything is as it should be

nhìn kỹ vào cái gì/ai đó, đặc biệt là để kiểm tra xem mọi thứ có đúng như vậy không

  • The teacher walked around inspecting their work.

    Giáo viên đi vòng quanh kiểm tra công việc của họ.

  • Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them.

    Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn kiểm tra hàng hóa trước khi ký nhận chúng.

  • The plants are regularly inspected for disease.

    Cây được kiểm tra bệnh thường xuyên.

Extra examples:
  • He inspected the water tank carefully for cracks.

    Anh cẩn thận kiểm tra thùng nước xem có vết nứt nào không.

  • The first step is to visually inspect the ground, looking for rocks and lumps.

    Bước đầu tiên là kiểm tra mặt đất bằng mắt, tìm đá và cục.

Related words and phrases

to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable

chính thức đến thăm một trường học, nhà máy, v.v. để kiểm tra xem các quy tắc có được tuân thủ và các tiêu chuẩn đó có được chấp nhận hay không

  • Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises.

    Các quan chức y tế công cộng đã được gọi đến để kiểm tra cơ sở.

  • The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.

    Ban Du lịch kiểm tra tất cả các khách sạn được đề xuất ít nhất mỗi năm một lần.