Definition of inflame


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The word "inflame" is derived from the Latin word "inflamo," meaning "to blow into" or "fan." In ancient times, a torch was inflamed, or lit, by blowing into it to ignite the flames. This action had two significant purposes. Firstly, it helped to start a fire, essential for survival and for cooking food. Secondly, inflaming a torch could serve as a weapon of attack during warfare, as inflamed torches could light up dark spaces and expose enemies hiding in the shadows. The figurative use of this word, to describe the act of causing anger, passion, or excitement, may have evolved from the native's emotional state, which could be likened to the intensity of the flame or the heat generated by it. Over time, the literal meaning of "inflame" became connected to the intensification of physical sensations such as inflammation, swelling, or fever due to infection, disease, or injury. In summary, the word "inflame" originated from the ancient practice of blowing and lighting torches as a survival tool and evolved with time to represent different meanings, both literal and figurative.


to cause very strong feelings, especially anger or excitement, in a person or in a group of people

gây ra cảm giác rất mạnh mẽ, đặc biệt là sự tức giận hoặc phấn khích, ở một người hoặc một nhóm người

  • His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.

    Những bình luận của ông đã khiến các giáo viên khắp cả nước phẫn nộ.

  • Her defiance inflamed his jealousy yet further.

    Sự thách thức của cô càng khiến lòng ghen tuông của anh càng thêm mãnh liệt.

  • The latest revelations are set to inflame public opinion still further.

    Những tiết lộ mới nhất chắc chắn sẽ khiến dư luận thêm phẫn nộ.

  • Her sister was inflamed with jealousy.

    Em gái cô nổi cơn ghen tị.

to make a situation worse or more difficult to deal with

làm cho tình huống trở nên tồi tệ hơn hoặc khó khăn hơn để giải quyết

  • The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.

    Tình hình càng thêm căng thẳng khi có sự xuất hiện của lực lượng an ninh.