Definition of increment




The word "increment" originated from the Latin word "incrementum," which means an increase or addition. The term was first used in medieval times in a legal context to refer to the portion of a property or salary that was added or increased over time. It was commonly used in England to describe the salary or pension increases given to government officials and civil servants as a reward for their service. The word began to be used more broadly in the 18th century to describe any increase in quantity, whether it be in the production of goods, the size of a workforce, or any other measurement. In business and finance, the term is used to describe small, regular additions to an investment or account value, such as compound interest or employee performance bonuses. In mathematics, the word is used to describe a small but significant difference, such as the increment in a graph or numerical measurement. Overall, the word "increment" has come to represent any increase or addition, particularly in situations where the change is measured and quantifiable, whether it be in finances, business, math, or law.


a regular increase in the amount of money that somebody is paid for their job

sự gia tăng thường xuyên số tiền mà ai đó được trả cho công việc của họ

  • a salary of £25 K with annual increments

    mức lương £ 25   K với mức tăng hàng năm

an increase in a number or an amount

sự gia tăng về một số lượng hoặc một lượng

  • The substance was heated in small temperature increments.

    Chất này được đun nóng với mức tăng nhiệt độ nhỏ.