Definition of improbably


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The word "improbably" has a fascinating etymology. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "im" meaning "not" and "probabilis" meaning "probable" or "likely". Initially, "improbably" meant "not probable" or "unlikely", but over time its meaning shifted to "difficult to believe" or "unlikely to happen". In the 16th century, the word gained popularity in the context of discussing supernatural events, miracles, or extraordinary occurrences. It was used to describe something that defied logical explanation or challenged one's faith. Today, "improbably" is used to describe an event or situation that is highly unlikely or unanticipated, often with a hint of skepticism or incredulity. Despite its negative connotations, "improbably" has been used in a variety of contexts, from science and philosophy to literature and humor. Its versatility and nuance have made it a valuable addition to the English language.


used for saying that something is not likely to be true or to happen

được sử dụng để nói rằng một cái gì đó là không có khả năng là sự thật hoặc xảy ra

  • He claimed, improbably, that he had never been there.

    Ông ta khẳng định, một cách khó tin, rằng ông chưa bao giờ đến đó.

in a way that is strange because it is not what you would expect

theo một cách kỳ lạ vì nó không như những gì bạn mong đợi

  • an improbably happy ending

    một kết thúc có hậu không thể ngờ tới

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