Definition of improbable


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The word "improbable" originated in the 16th century from the Latin word "improbabilis," which meant "not probable" or "hard to believe." The term gained popularity in the English language during the Renaissance, as learning and literature were flourishing. At that time, the concept of probability was first being discussed and explored by scholars, such as the renowned mathematician and scientist, Blaise Pascal. In his treatise, "The Art of Conjecturing," Pascal developed a theory of probability based on the observed frequency of events. The word "improbable" came to indicate an event, outcome, or statement that violated the principles of probability or common sense. For example, in the early 18th century, the chemist Robert Boyle used the term to describe the idea of turning wine into vinegar by exposing it to air, which flew in the face of commonly held beliefs about the nature of wine. Today, "improbable" continues to be used to describe events or situations that are unlikely or hard to believe, particularly in scientific and mathematical contexts. However, its usage is not restricted to these domains, and it can also be applied to human affairs, such as political or economic events, to indicate their unlikeliness or unexpectedness.


not likely to be true or to happen

không có khả năng là sự thật hoặc xảy ra

  • an improbable story

    một câu chuyện không thể xảy ra

  • It all sounded highly improbable.

    Tất cả nghe có vẻ rất khó xảy ra.

  • It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.

    Có vẻ như tình hình hiện tại sẽ không thể tiếp tục.

Extra examples:
  • These new facts make the theory improbable.

    Những sự thật mới này làm cho lý thuyết này không thể thực hiện được.

  • a wildly improbable idea

    một ý tưởng cực kỳ không thể thực hiện được

Related words and phrases

seeming strange because it is not what you would expect

có vẻ lạ vì nó không như những gì bạn mong đợi

  • Her hair was an improbable shade of yellow.

    Tóc cô ấy có một màu vàng không thể tin được.

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