Definition of immodest


không lịch sự


The word "immodest" can be traced back to the late 14th century when it first appeared in Middle English. Its roots can be found in the Latin word "immodestus," meaning "not having or showing due measure, unsightly, indecent." In Middle English, "immodest" was commonly used to describe behavior or dress that did not conform to social norms or moral conventions. It was often associated with licentiousness or immorality. Over time, the meaning of "immodest" has evolved in response to changing societal values. In the 18th and 19th centuries, for example, it became closely associated with women's dress and comportment, as conservative beliefs about femininity and modesty came to the fore. Today, "immodest" is typically used to describe clothing or behavior that is considered too revealing or provocative, particularly in a social or cultural context that emphasizes conservative values. Its usage is often subjective and context-dependent, reflecting differing perspectives on issues of privacy, morality, and personal expression.


having or showing a very high opinion of yourself and your abilities

có hoặc thể hiện quan điểm rất cao về bản thân và khả năng của bạn

  • I am immodest enough to think that I played an important part in her decision.

    Tôi thật thiếu khiêm tốn khi cho rằng mình đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong quyết định của cô ấy.

Related words and phrases

that may shock people because it involves sex or attracts attention in a sexual way

điều đó có thể gây sốc cho mọi người vì nó liên quan đến tình dục hoặc thu hút sự chú ý theo cách tình dục

  • an immodest dress

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