Definition of flamboyant


(cây) phượng


Definition of undefined

The word later adapted to describe something that is showy, flashy, or extravagantly decorated, much like the original architectural feature. This sense of the word gained popularity in the 18th century and has been used to describe everything from people's hairstyles to flowers and even dance styles. Today, "flamboyant" is often used to describe someone or something that is bold, attention-grabbing, and unapologetically proud of its own flair.


different, confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention

khác biệt, tự tin và thú vị theo cách thu hút sự chú ý

  • a flamboyant gesture/style/personality

    một cử chỉ/phong cách/tính cách rực rỡ

  • He was flamboyant and temperamental on and off the stage.

    Anh ấy rất hào hoa và nóng nảy trong và ngoài sân khấu.

brightly coloured and likely to attract attention

màu sắc rực rỡ và có khả năng thu hút sự chú ý

  • flamboyant clothes/designs

    quần áo/thiết kế rực rỡ