Definition of imbibe


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The word "imbibe" originated from the Latin verb "imbibere," meaning "to drink in" or "to absorb." It is believed to have been coined in the Middle English period, around the 14th century, and was first used to mean "absorb" or "take in eagerly." In its original Latin sense, "imbibere" referred to the action of soaking up liquid, such as when a sponge is submerged in water or a seed is absorbed by the soil. This meaning evolved over time and came to refer to the process of drinking, particularly in a slow, deliberate, or thirst-quenching manner. The first recorded use of "imbibe" in English was in the late 15th century, in the form of "imbyben," which gradually evolved over time into its modern form. Initially, "imbibe" was used interchangeably with other terms for drinking, such as "drink" and "take," but it soon developed a more specific connotation, particularly in the context of consuming alcoholic beverages. Today, "imbibe" continues to be used idiomatically to refer to the consumption of alcohol, particularly as a verb denoting the act of drinking willingly or fervently. It may also be used figuratively to describe the absorption of information or ideas, particularly in academic or professional contexts. However, its original Latin meaning of "absorbing" or "taking in eagerly" retains some validity, particularly in scientific or medical contexts, where the term is often used to describe the process by which liquids are absorbed by the body. In summary, the word "imbibe" originated from the Latin "imbibere," meaning "to drink in" or "to absorb," and came to be used in English in the late 15th century to refer to both the process of consuming beverages and the process of absorbing liquid more broadly. It continues to be used in its original literal sense as well as figuratively to describe other forms of absorption or consumption.


to drink something, especially alcohol

uống cái gì đó, đặc biệt là rượu

to receive and understand ideas or information

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  • He imbibed elements of oriental mysticism from the years he spent in India.

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