Definition of illicitly


bất hợp pháp


The word "illicitly" has a rich history. The adjective "illicit" comes from the Latin "illicitus," meaning "unlawful" or "forbidden." This Latin word is a combination of "in" (not) and "licitus" (allowed). The adverb "illicitly" is derived from the adjective "illicit." It means "in an illicit or unlawful manner" or "so as to be illegal." This adverb has been in use since the 15th century. In the early modern English period, the word "illicitly" was often used to describe actions that were improper or wicked. Over time, the meaning of the word has expanded to include actions that are contrary to law or regulations. Today, "illicitly" is used in a variety of contexts, including law, medicine, and finance. It is a useful word for describing actions that are outside the bounds of what is acceptable or legal.


in a way that is not allowed by the law

theo cách mà pháp luật không cho phép

  • illicitly obtained drugs

    ma túy có được bất hợp pháp

Related words and phrases

in a way that is not approved of by the normal rules of society

theo cách không được chấp thuận bởi các quy tắc thông thường của xã hội

  • They began to meet illicitly.

    Họ bắt đầu gặp nhau một cách bất hợp pháp.