Definition of hubbub




The word "hubbub" is an old English word that originated in the 16th century. Its exact etymology is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have derived from two Old French words, "ob" meaning "stop" or "prevent" and "obe" meaning "ear" or "hear." Some theories suggest that the word could have evolved from the expression "hobe, hobe, obe" or "hobe, obe" meaning "stop your ears" or "make haste," which was spoken in a crowded or noisy environment. Others suggest that "hubbub" might have originated from a Middle English word "hopelen" meaning "to whisper" or "to mutter," which could have evolved into "hubbelen," meaning "to talk loudly" or "to make a disturbance." Regardless of its origins, "hubbub" is often used to describe a loud, chaotic, or disruptive commotion or noise, such as a crowded marketplace, a political controversy, or a heated argument. Today, "hubbub" can still be found in modern English, and it remains a vivid and colorful word that adds richness and flair to written and spoken language alike.


the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time

âm thanh lớn được tạo ra bởi nhiều người nói chuyện cùng một lúc

  • It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub.

    Thật khó để nghe những gì anh ấy nói trong lúc huyên náo.

  • It was some time before the hubbub of laughter died down.

    Phải một lúc sau tiếng cười huyên náo mới lắng xuống.

a situation in which there is a lot of noise, excitement and activity

một tình huống trong đó có rất nhiều tiếng ồn, hứng thú và hoạt động

  • the hubbub of city life

    sự huyên náo của cuộc sống thành thị

  • He was left wondering what all the hubbub and expectancy had been about.

    Anh ấy vẫn đang băn khoăn không biết tất cả những ồn ào và kỳ vọng đã xảy ra là gì.