Definition of hijab


khăn trùm đầu


The word "hijab" has a rich history and origin. In Arabic, the root word "hj-b" means "to cover" or "to conceal." The term "hijab" itself refers to a headscarf or a piece of cloth worn to cover a person's hair and neck. In Islamic traditions, the hijab is associated with modesty and piousness. It is believed to be a way for a Muslim woman to identify herself as a devotee of Allah and to follow the commandments of the Quran. The hijab is not mandatory for Muslim women, but it is considered a key aspect of their faith and a way to express their spirituality. In modern language, the term hijab is often used to refer to the turban-like headscarf worn by some Muslim women as a symbol of their faith and identity. However, it is important to note that not all Muslim women wear a hijab, and the term is often used in a broader sense to refer to a range of Islamic modesty practices.


a piece of clothing that covers the head, worn in public by some Muslim women

một loại trang phục che đầu, được một số phụ nữ Hồi giáo mặc ở nơi công cộng

the religious system that controls the wearing of such clothing

hệ thống tôn giáo kiểm soát việc mặc những loại quần áo như vậy