Definition of hemisphere


bán cầu


The word "hemisphere" derives from two Greek words, "hemi" meaning half, and "sphaira" meaning sphere. It was coined by the Flemish cartographer, Gerardus Mercator, in the 16th century to describe the two halves of the globe that can be thought of as separate entities because each half is distinct, with its own topography, climate, and culture. The term was adopted by scientists and scholars to refer to the two halves of the brain, as these two regions were found to have distinct functional capabilities as well. Today, the usage of the word "hemisphere" extends beyond its original geographic connotation to include any symmetrical, half-section of a larger whole, such as the human brain or a cell nucleus.


one half of the earth, especially the half above or below the equator

một nửa trái đất, đặc biệt là nửa trên hoặc dưới xích đạo

  • the northern/southern hemisphere

    bán cầu bắc/nam

  • In the northern hemisphere, December is a winter month.

    Ở Bắc bán cầu, tháng 12 là tháng mùa đông.

either half of the brain

một nửa bộ não

  • the left/right hemisphere of the brain

    bán cầu não trái/phải của não

one half of a sphere (= a round solid object)

một nửa hình cầu (= một vật rắn tròn)