Definition of harass


quấy rối


The word "harass" originated in the Middle English language in the late 14th century. Its initial use was to describe a group of falcons trained to hunt together, specifically the "harrying" (hunting) of other birds in the sky. However, the meaning of the word evolved over time. By the late 15th century, "harass" was being used to describe the intimidation and persecution of individuals by others, often by authorities. This use of the word was likely influenced by the concept of "harrassment" or "harrassing" in ancient Germanic languages, which carried a similar connotation. In modern English, the meaning of "harass" has further evolved to describe unwanted and persistent actions aimed at causing distress, annoyance, or alarm in another person. It is commonly used to describe instances of bullying, intimidation, or unwanted sexual advances.


to annoy or worry somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them

làm phiền hoặc lo lắng ai đó bằng cách gây áp lực lên họ hoặc nói hoặc làm những điều khó chịu với họ

  • He has complained of being harassed by the police.

    Anh ta đã phàn nàn về việc bị cảnh sát quấy rối.

  • She claims she has been sexually harassed at work.

    Cô cho biết mình đã bị quấy rối tình dục tại nơi làm việc.

Extra examples:
  • He told her that if she continued to harass him, he would call the police.

    Anh nói với cô rằng nếu cô tiếp tục quấy rối anh, anh sẽ gọi cảnh sát.

  • Protesters have been blocking access to the clinic and physically harassing staff.

    Người biểu tình đã chặn lối vào phòng khám và quấy rối nhân viên.

  • The man harassed a neighbour with racist abuse.

    Người đàn ông quấy rối hàng xóm với hành vi lạm dụng phân biệt chủng tộc.

to make repeated attacks on an enemy

thực hiện các cuộc tấn công liên tục vào kẻ thù

  • Our convoys are being continually harassed by enemy submarines.

    Đoàn tàu của ta liên tục bị tàu ngầm địch quấy rối.

  • Greenpeace has been harassing whaling operations at sea.

    Greenpeace đã quấy rối các hoạt động săn bắt cá voi trên biển.

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