Definition of halve


một nửa


The origin of the word "halve" can be traced back to the Old English language. In Old English, the word was spelled "hælan" and meant "to make whole, to heal." Over time, the meaning of the word began to shift. As the Middle English period began, "hælan" started to be used to mean "to cut in half." This new meaning may have arisen from the fact that when something is cut in half, it can be seen as being made whole once again in two separate pieces. In the 14th century, the word "halven" was introduced, which meant "the act of halving." "Halve," as we know it today, emerged in the 15th century as a shortened form of "halven." Interestingly, the word "halve" has come to have different meanings in different contexts. In mathematics, "halve" refers to dividing a number by two. In cooking, "halve" refers to cutting a food item in half. The dual meanings of the word highlight the way that language continues to evolve and adapt over time.


to reduce by a half; to make something reduce by a half

giảm đi một nửa; làm cái gì đó giảm đi một nửa

  • The shares have halved in value.

    Cổ phiếu đã giảm một nửa giá trị.

  • The company is halving its prices.

    Công ty đang giảm giá một nửa.

to divide something into two equal parts

chia cái gì thành hai phần bằng nhau


a trouble shared is a trouble halved
(saying)if you talk to somebody about your problems and worries, instead of keeping them to yourself, they seem less serious