Definition of gross




The word "gross" has undergone significant changes in its meaning and usage over the centuries. Originally, it comes from the Old English word "grossus," meaning "thick" or "coarse." In the 14th century, it referred to a large or excessive amount, such as "a gross sum" of money. By the 17th century, it also began to mean "impure" or "unclean," as in "gross behavior." In the 18th century, the word took on a new meaning in the context of science, particularly in the field of anatomy. A "gross" anatomic structure referred to a body part that was visible to the naked eye, as opposed to microscopically small structures. This usage is where we get the modern phrase "the gross anatomy" of the human body. Today, the word "gross" can refer to something that is unpleasant, disgusting, or repulsive, but its original meanings of "large" and "thick" are still preserved in various contexts.


being the total amount of something before anything is taken away

là tổng số lượng của một cái gì đó trước khi bất cứ điều gì bị lấy đi

  • gross weight (= including the container or wrapping)

    tổng trọng lượng (= bao gồm thùng chứa hoặc gói)

  • gross income/wage (= before taxes, etc. are taken away)

    tổng thu nhập / tiền lương (= trước thuế, v.v. được lấy đi)

  • Investments showed a gross profit of 26 per cent.

    Các khoản đầu tư cho thấy lợi nhuận gộp là 26%.

  • The family have three children and a gross income of £50 000.

    Gia đình có ba người con và tổng thu nhập là 50 000 bảng Anh.

Related words and phrases

very obvious and unacceptable

rất rõ ràng và không thể chấp nhận được

  • gross negligence/misconduct

    sơ suất/hành vi sai trái nghiêm trọng

  • a gross violation of human rights

    một sự vi phạm trắng trợn nhân quyền

very unpleasant

rất khó chịu

  • ‘He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’

    ‘Anh ấy ăn nó với mù tạt.’ ‘Ôi, ghê quá!’

Related words and phrases

very rude

rất thô lỗ

  • gross behaviour

    hành vi thô thiển

Related words and phrases

very fat and ugly

rất béo và xấu xí