Definition of obscene


tục tĩu


The word "obscene" derives from the Latin word "obscaenus," which means "filthy" or "dirty." It was originally used to describe something that was fit only for Private use and was meant to be kept hidden from public view. In the 16th century, the term started to be used in England to refer to any material that was considered indecent or immoral, particularly in a sexual context. These materials were often labeled as "obscene books" or "obscene libels," and their distribution was banned by law. During the 19th century, the concept of obscenity became closely tied to issues of public morality and the protection of children. The courts began to use increasingly strict standards for deciding what was considered obscene, with a focus on the potential harm that could be caused by exposure to indecent materials. Today, obscenity continues to be a subject of legal and philosophical debate, with opinions varying widely on what constitutes acceptable levels of explicitness or sexual content in different contexts. However, the basic roots of the word remain clear - "obscene" at its core refers to something that is considered too dirty or immoral to be exposed to the public in a wholesome society.


connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive

liên quan đến tình dục theo cách mà hầu hết mọi người thấy khó chịu

  • obscene gestures/language/books

    cử chỉ/ngôn ngữ/sách tục tĩu

  • an obscene phone call (= in which somebody says obscene things)

    một cuộc gọi điện thoại tục tĩu (= trong đó ai đó nói những điều tục tĩu)

  • The book was declared obscene.

    Cuốn sách bị tuyên bố là tục tĩu.

extremely large in size or amount in a way that most people find unacceptable and offensive

cực kỳ lớn về kích thước hoặc số lượng theo cách mà hầu hết mọi người thấy không thể chấp nhận được và gây khó chịu

  • He earns an obscene amount of money.

    Anh ta kiếm được một số tiền lớn.

  • It's obscene to spend so much on food when millions are starving.

    Thật là tục tĩu khi chi quá nhiều cho thực phẩm khi hàng triệu người đang chết đói.

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