Definition of flowery




The word "flowery" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. In Old English, the term "flōr" referred to a flower, and the suffix "-y" was added to create the adjectival form "flōry", meaning "of flowers" or "flowery". This adjectival form conveyed a sense of abundance, beauty, and fragrance. In Middle English (circa 11th to 15th centuries), the word "flowery" retained its connection to flowers, but its meaning expanded to encompass a sense of elaborate or ornate language. For example, a flowery oratory was one that was overly ornate and decorated with excessive linguistic embellishments. Over time, the primary sense of "flowery" returned to its original botanical meaning, with the word typically describing something that is adorned with or characterized by flowers. Today, "flowery" is often used to describe language, writing, or conversation that is rich in poetic or ornate language.


covered with flowers or decorated with pictures of flowers

được phủ bằng hoa hoặc được trang trí bằng hình ảnh hoa

  • flowery meadows

    đồng cỏ đầy hoa

  • flowery wallpaper

    hình nền hoa

smelling or tasting of flowers

ngửi hoặc nếm hoa

  • flowery perfume

    nước hoa thơm ngát

  • a flowery sparkling wine

    một loại rượu vang sủi bọt có mùi hoa

too complicated; not expressed in a clear and simple way

quá phức tạp; không được diễn đạt một cách rõ ràng và đơn giản

  • flowery language/prose

    ngôn ngữ hoa mỹ/văn xuôi