Definition of flip




The word "flip" in the context of pancakes and crepes has its origin in the early 20th century. The precise origin of the term is uncertain, but there are a few theories. One theory suggests that the term "flip" may have originated from the sound that a pancake makes as it is flipped in the air. The word "flip" is an onomatopoeic term, meaning it imitates the sound it describes. Another theory is that the term "flip" may have originated from the apocryphal story of a 17th-century English cook named Joseph Nathan who attempted to cook an omelet for King Charles II. The story goes that Nathan used a large metal spider instead of a spatula to flip the omelet in the air, and King Charles II exclaimed, "Well done, Joseph, you've flipped me an omelet!" While this story is likely a folk myth, it's possible that the term "flip" originated from this fanciful tale. Regardless of its origin, the term "flip" has become a common and widely understood term in the culinary world, particularly when referring to the act of flipping a pancake or crepe in the air. The term has also been adopted to describe other activities that involve a quick, sudden motion, such as flipping through a book or flipping a switch.


to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement; to make something do this

chuyển sang vị trí khác với chuyển động nhanh đột ngột; làm cái gì đó làm điều này

  • The plane flipped and crashed.

    Máy bay bị lật và rơi.

  • She felt her heart flip (= with excitement, etc.).

    Cô ấy cảm thấy tim mình đập mạnh (= với sự phấn khích, v.v.).

  • He flipped the lid open and looked inside the case.

    Anh mở nắp và nhìn vào bên trong hộp.

Related words and phrases

to press a button or switch in order to turn a machine, etc. on or off

nhấn một nút hoặc công tắc để bật hoặc tắt máy, v.v.

  • to flip a switch

    để bật công tắc

  • She reached over and flipped off the light.

    Cô đưa tay tắt đèn.

Related words and phrases

to throw something somewhere with a sudden quick movement, especially using your thumb and/or fingers

ném cái gì đó đi đâu đó với một chuyển động nhanh đột ngột, đặc biệt là sử dụng ngón tay cái và/hoặc các ngón tay của bạn

  • They flipped a coin to decide who would get the ticket.

    Họ tung đồng xu để quyết định xem ai sẽ nhận được tấm vé.

  • He flipped the keys onto the desk.

    Anh ta ném chìa khóa lên bàn.

Related words and phrases

to become very angry, excited or unable to think clearly

trở nên rất tức giận, phấn khích hoặc không thể suy nghĩ rõ ràng

  • She finally flipped under the pressure.

    Cuối cùng cô ấy đã bị lật đổ dưới áp lực.

  • He completely flipped when he saw the mess in the kitchen.

    Anh hoàn toàn choáng váng khi nhìn thấy đống bừa bộn trong bếp.


flip burgers
(especially North American English, informal, usually disapproving)to work as a chef in a fast-food restaurant, especially when this is considered to be a low-status job for people who lack the ambition or ability to do anything better
  • He is now flipping burgers and serving drinks to make ends meet.
  • flip your lid
    (informal)to become very angry and lose control of what you are saying or doing
  • She’ll flip her lid when she finds out.