Definition of exuberant


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The word "exuberant" has its roots in the Latin words "ex" meaning "out" or "forth" and "uber" meaning "abundance" or "plenty". The term originally referred to something that bursts forth or is overflowing with energy, enthusiasm, or vitality. In the 15th century, the word began to be used in English to describe something that is full of life, vigor, and enthusiasm. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include descriptions of people, ideas, or activities that are characterized by marked enthusiasm, excitement, or exaltation. Today, "exuberant" is often used to describe someone or something that is extravagantly enthusiastic, energetic, and vivacious. Despite its evolution, the word still retains its Latin roots, emphasizing the idea of something overflowing with vitality and energy.


full of energy, excitement and happiness

tràn đầy năng lượng, hứng thú và hạnh phúc

  • She gave an exuberant performance.

    Cô đã có một màn trình diễn xuất sắc.

  • an exuberant personality/imagination

    một nhân cách/trí tưởng tượng phong phú

  • a picture painted in exuberant reds and yellows

    một bức tranh sơn màu đỏ và vàng rực rỡ

  • A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters were gathered outside.

    Một đám thanh niên ồn ào, hồ hởi đang tụ tập bên ngoài.

  • He was exuberant as a child.

    Anh ấy đã hồ hởi như một đứa trẻ.

strong and healthy; growing quickly and well

mạnh mẽ và khỏe mạnh; phát triển nhanh và tốt

  • the exuberant growth of high summer

    sự phát triển mạnh mẽ của mùa hè cao điểm