Definition of fish


cá, món cá, câu cá, bắt cá


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "fish" is shrouded in mystery, but linguists have made some educated guesses. The word "fish" is believed to have come from the Old English word "fisc," which was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*fiskiz." This word is thought to have been linked to the Proto-Indo-European root "*peisk-," which meant "to catch" or "to take." The Proto-Germanic word "*fiskiz" was likely influenced by the Latin word "piscis," meaning "fish," which itself was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*peisk-." The Old English word "fisc" eventually evolved into the Middle English word "fissh," and eventually the modern English word "fish." So, while we can't pinpoint an exact origin for the word "fish," it is likely that it has its roots in ancient Germanic and Indo-European languages.


a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills, and uses fins and a tail for swimming

sinh vật sống dưới nước, thở bằng mang, dùng vây và đuôi để bơi

  • They caught several fish.

    Họ bắt được vài con cá.

  • In the pool she could see little silvery fish darting around.

    Trong hồ cô có thể nhìn thấy những con cá nhỏ màu bạc đang bơi quanh.

  • tropical/marine/freshwater fish

    cá nhiệt đới/biển/nước ngọt

  • Herring are relatively oily fish.

    Cá trích là loại cá tương đối nhiều dầu.

  • shoals (= groups) of fish

    đàn (= nhóm) cá

  • There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world.

    Có khoảng 30 000 loài cá trên thế giới.

  • The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.

    Danh sách các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng bao gồm gần 600 loài cá.

  • a fish tank/pond

    một bể cá/ao cá

  • Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.

    Nguồn cá ở vùng Baltic đang suy giảm.

  • Fish farming has boomed in the past three decades.

    Nghề nuôi cá đã bùng nổ trong ba thập kỷ qua.

Extra examples:
  • He landed a big fish.

    Anh ta đã câu được một con cá lớn.

  • I cleaned and filleted the fish.

    Tôi làm sạch và phi lê cá.

  • The fish aren't biting (= taking the bait ) today.

    Hôm nay cá không cắn (= cắn câu).

  • fish farmed in Canada

    cá nuôi ở Canada

the soft part of fish that is eaten as food

phần mềm của cá được dùng làm thức ăn

  • a regular diet of fresh fish

    chế độ ăn thường xuyên với cá tươi

  • fried/grilled/smoked/dried fish

    cá chiên/nướng/hun khói/khô

  • fish pie/soup

    chả/súp cá

  • The chef's fish dishes are his speciality.

    Món cá của đầu bếp là đặc sản của anh ấy.

  • Fish forms the main part of their diet.

    Cá là phần chính trong chế độ ăn uống của họ.

Extra examples:
  • Remove the skin and flake the cooked fish.

    Loại bỏ da và vẩy cá đã nấu chín.

  • This fish tastes funny.

    Con cá này có mùi vị buồn cười.

Related words and phrases


be like shooting fish in a barrel
(informal)used to emphasize how easy it is to do something
  • What do you mean you can't do it? It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel!
  • a big fish (in a small pond)
    an important person (in a small community)
    a cold fish
    a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions
    a different kettle of fish
    (informal)a completely different situation or person from the one previously mentioned
    drink like a fish
    (informal)to drink a lot of alcohol regularly
  • Simon was drinking like a fish that evening.
  • a fish out of water
    a person who feels uncomfortable because they are in an environment that is not familiar
    have bigger/other fish to fry
    to have more important or more interesting things to do
    neither fish nor fowl
    neither one thing nor another
  • The hovercraft has always suffered from the fact that it is neither fish nor fowl.
  • an odd/a queer fish
    (old-fashioned, British English)a person who is slightly strange or crazy
    there are plenty more fish in the sea
    used to comfort somebody whose romantic relationship has ended by saying that there are many other people with whom they may have a successful relationship in the future