Definition of federally


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The word "federally" has its roots in the Latin term "federationem," which means "to join together." This Latin term is derived from "federare," meaning "to bind or join together." The concept of federation or federal government originated in ancient Rome, where it referred to the alliance or union of states or cities. In modern English, "federally" has been used since the 16th century to describe something that is related to or authorized by a federal government or a system of federal states. The word gained increased usage in the United States after the ratification of the Constitution in 1788, which established the United States as a federal republic. Today, "federally" is commonly used in various contexts, including government, politics, law, and economics, to describe actions, policies, or relationships that are governed or regulated by the federal government or involve multiple states or nations.


using a federal system of government

sử dụng hệ thống chính quyền liên bang

  • federally administered tribal areas

    khu vực bộ lạc do liên bang quản lý

in a way that is connected with or done by national government rather than the local government of an individual state

theo cách có liên quan hoặc được thực hiện bởi chính quyền quốc gia chứ không phải chính quyền địa phương của một tiểu bang riêng lẻ

  • federally funded healthcare

    chăm sóc sức khỏe do liên bang tài trợ