Definition of eloquent


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The word "eloquent" is derived from the Latin word "eloquentia," which means "the ability to speak effectively." The Latin word "eloquentia" is made up of two roots: "ex" meaning "out" and "loqui" meaning "to speak." In ancient times, the ability to speak effectively was highly valued, particularly by politicians and orators. The word "eloquentia" was used to describe a person who had the ability to speak persuasively and effectively, particularly in public speaking. In the English language, the word "eloquent" first appeared in the late 14th century, where it was used to describe a person who had the ability to speak persuasively and effectively, particularly in public speaking. The word has since been used in various contexts, including literature, politics, and public speaking, to describe anyone who has the ability to speak persuasively and effectively. In literature, the word "eloquent" is used to describe a writer who has the ability to use language effectively to convey meaning and emotion. In politics, the word is used to describe a politician who has the ability to speak persuasively and effectively, particularly in debates and speeches. In public speaking, the word is used to describe a speaker who has the ability to speak persuasively and effectively, particularly in front of large audiences. In summary, the word "eloquent" is derived from the Latin word "eloquentia," which means "the ability to speak effectively." The word has been used in various contexts, including literature, politics, and public speaking, to describe anyone who has the ability to speak persuasively and effectively.


able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public

có khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ và diễn đạt tốt ý kiến ​​của mình, đặc biệt khi bạn nói trước công chúng

  • an eloquent speech/speaker

    một bài phát biểu / diễn giả hùng hồn

Extra examples:
  • He grew very eloquent on the subject.

    Anh ấy đã phát triển rất hùng hồn về chủ đề này.

  • It was an eloquent and well-informed speech.

    Đó là một bài phát biểu hùng hồn và giàu thông tin.

  • She was an eloquent speaker, with a beautiful voice.

    Cô ấy là một diễn giả hùng hồn, có giọng hát tuyệt vời.

able to express a feeling

có thể bày tỏ cảm xúc

  • His eyes were eloquent.

    Đôi mắt của anh ấy rất hùng hồn.