Definition of soaked


ngâm mình


The word "soaked" has its roots in Old English. The verb "socan" meant "to wet" or "to moisten," and it was often used in combination with other words to describe the act of making something wet. Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of the word evolved, and "soak" emerged as a standalone verb. The past tense of "soak," "soaked," also developed from the Old English verb "socan." In the 13th century, the Middle English verb "sooken" referred to the act of making something wet or saturated. By the 15th century, the past tense "soaked" had become established, and it has remained a part of the English language ever since. Today, "soaked" is used to describe something that has been thoroughly wet or saturated, often as a result of being submerged in liquid.


very wet

rất ướt

  • He woke up soaked with sweat.

    Anh ấy tỉnh dậy trong tình trạng ướt đẫm mồ hôi.

  • You're soaked through! (= completely wet)

    Bạn ướt sũng rồi! (= ướt hoàn toàn)

  • They were soaked to the skin/bone (= completely wet).

    Chúng bị ướt đến tận da/xương (= hoàn toàn ướt).

  • You'll get soaked if you go out in this rain.

    Bạn sẽ bị ướt nếu ra ngoài trời mưa thế này.

  • Your clothes are soaked!

    Quần áo của bạn ướt hết rồi!

  • His soaked shirt stuck to his chest.

    Chiếc áo sơ mi ướt đẫm của anh dính chặt vào ngực.

Related words and phrases

used with nouns to form adjectives describing something that is made completely wet with the thing mentioned

được sử dụng với danh từ để tạo thành tính từ mô tả thứ gì đó bị ướt hoàn toàn bởi thứ được nhắc đến

  • a blood-soaked cloth

    một miếng vải thấm máu

  • rain-soaked clothing

    quần áo thấm nước mưa

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