Definition of dreamily


mơ màng


The word "dreamily" is an adverb that has been in use since the late 14th century. It is derived from the Old English word "dream", meaning "mind" or "thought", and the suffix "-ly", which is a common adverbial formative. The word originally meant "in a way that is characteristic of dreams", and was used to describe something that is done or done in a way that is similar to the way one would behave in a dream. Over time, the connotation of the word broadened to include a sense of wistfulness, nostalgia, or longing, and is now often used to describe something that is done or experienced with a sense of quiet contemplation or introspection. For example, one might say "she gazed out at the ocean dreamily, lost in thought" or "he drove through the countryside dreamily, taking in the scenic views".


as though you are thinking about other things and not paying attention to what is happening around you

như thể bạn đang nghĩ về những thứ khác và không chú ý đến những gì đang xảy ra xung quanh bạn

  • ‘I have lots of happy memories,’ she said dreamily.

    Cô mơ màng nói: "Tôi có rất nhiều kỷ niệm vui".

  • He gazed dreamily out of the window.

    Anh mơ màng nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ.

in a pleasant and gentle way, as if in a dream

một cách dễ chịu và nhẹ nhàng, như thể trong một giấc mơ

  • It was only in the dreamily evocative last movement that the orchestra really came together.

    Chỉ đến chương cuối đầy mơ mộng, dàn nhạc mới thực sự hòa hợp với nhau.