Definition of downbeat


lạc đường


"Downbeat" has its roots in the world of music. Originally, it referred to the **strongest beat** in a measure, often marked by a downward motion of the conductor's baton. This stemmed from the **"downbow"** in violin playing, where the bow is drawn downwards, producing a stronger sound. The term later extended to **describe a feeling of pessimism or negativity**, likely due to the association of a downward motion with sadness or decline.


depressing; not having much hope for the future

chán nản; không có nhiều hy vọng cho tương lai

  • The overall mood of the meeting was downbeat.

    Không khí chung của cuộc họp khá ảm đạm.

  • Their assessment of the UK’s economic prospects is downbeat.

    Đánh giá của họ về triển vọng kinh tế của Vương quốc Anh là lạc quan.

Related words and phrases

not showing strong feelings or enthusiasm

không thể hiện cảm xúc mạnh mẽ hoặc nhiệt tình