Definition of skew




The word "skew" originated from an Old Norse word "skjá", which means "oblique" or "aslant". This word made its way into the Middle English language through the Scandinavian dialects that infiltrated England during the Viking Age. In its original usage, "skew" referred to a tilted or slanted position of an object. This meaning has remained constant throughout its history. However, its secondary meaning evolved over time. The term "skew" is now also used to describe a mathematical or graphic concept related to a specific angle or direction. In geometry, skew refers to lines that are not parallel and do not intersect, finding their application in three-dimensional geometries such as linear algebra or solid geometry. In computer graphics, skew is utilized in perspective correction along with skewing or twisting of two-dimensional images, which transforms a shape while maintaining its basic geometric properties. The word "skew" has also taken on figurative meanings, such as "skewed priorities" or "skewed viewpoints". Its metaphorical use suggests distorted figures of speech or peculiar, unconventional views causing a deviation from a standard perspective. In short, the word "skew" originated from Old Norse and has over time extended its meaning to include references in mathematics and computer graphics, while it continues to maintain its original, literal meaning of an angled, oblique position.


to change or influence something with the result that it is not accurate, fair, normal, etc.

thay đổi hoặc gây ảnh hưởng đến điều gì đó dẫn đến kết quả là nó không chính xác, công bằng, bình thường, v.v.

  • to skew the statistics

    làm lệch số liệu thống kê

to move or lie at an angle, especially in a position that is not normal

di chuyển hoặc nằm nghiêng một góc, đặc biệt là ở một vị trí không bình thường

  • The ball skewed off at a right angle.

    Bóng bị lệch đi một góc phải.

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