Definition of descriptive


mô tả


The word "descriptive" has its roots in Latin and has been in use since the 14th century. The Latin term "descriptivus" is derived from "describere," which means "to describe" or "to draw". This Latin term was later incorporated into Middle English as "descriptif," and eventually, it evolved into the modern English word "descriptive". In the 14th century, "descriptive" primarily referred to the act of describing or drawing a picture of something. Over time, the meaning expanded to include the act of describing or characterizing something using words. Today, "descriptive" is often used in various contexts, such as literature, art, science, and everyday language, to describe a detailed or vivid account of something. Despite its evolution, the word's essence remains rooted in its Latin origins, emphasizing the idea of providing a clear and accurate description or representation of something.


saying what somebody/something is like; describing something

nói về ai đó/cái gì đó như thế nào; mô tả cái gì đó

  • She read out some of the descriptive passages in the novel.

    Cô ấy đọc to một số đoạn văn miêu tả trong tiểu thuyết.

  • The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive (= not judging).

    Thuật ngữ tôi sử dụng chỉ mang tính mô tả thuần túy (= không mang tính phán xét).

Extra examples:
  • The terms are descriptive of strong emotion.

    Các thuật ngữ này mô tả cảm xúc mạnh mẽ.

  • a highly descriptive account of her journey through Africa

    một câu chuyện mô tả rất chi tiết về chuyến đi của cô ấy qua Châu Phi

saying how language is actually used, without giving rules for how it should be used

nói về cách ngôn ngữ thực sự được sử dụng, mà không đưa ra các quy tắc về cách sử dụng nó

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