Definition of etymology


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The word "etymology" originally comes from the Greek language. "Etymon" means "true meaning" or "true word," and "logos" means "word" or "study." In ancient Greek, etymology roughly translates to "the scientific study of true words," or "the study of the origin and meaning of words." This ancient concept has been influential in modern linguistics, where etymology is recognized as a vital part of understanding the history and evolution of a language. In linguistics, etymology involves tracing the lineage of a particular word through various languages and time periods. By exploring the etymology of a word, linguists can uncover its meaning, pronunciation, and historical context. Ultimately, etymology provides linguists with insights into the way language evolves over time. It can also shed light on the cultural, historical, and social contexts of a particular verse, helping to provide a deeper understanding of the language as a whole.


the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings

nghiên cứu về nguồn gốc, lịch sử của từ và ý nghĩa của chúng

the origin and history of a particular word

nguồn gốc và lịch sử của một từ cụ thể