Definition of demise


cái chết của


The word "demise" comes from the Middle English word "demisen," which was derived from the Old French word "desmeriz" or "desmerizier." The Old French word, in turn, was derived from the Latin word "demissus," which meant "released" or "let down." In Middle English, "demisen" was used to describe the act of releasing or letting go of something, particularly a legal right or property. It was often used in the context of feudal land tenure, where a lord would release or let go of a tenant's land or property. Over time, the meaning of "demise" evolved to include the act of dying or passing away. This meaning is still in use today, and "demise" is often used to describe the death of a person or organization. In summary, the word "demise" originated in Middle English from the Old French word "desmeriz" or "desmerizier," which was derived from the Latin word "demissus." Its original meaning described the act of releasing or letting go of something, particularly a legal right or property, but its meaning evolved to include the act of dying or passing away.


the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc.

sự kết thúc hay thất bại của một tổ chức, một ý tưởng, một công ty, v.v.

  • He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.

    Ông ca ngợi mục tiêu của liên minh nhưng dự đoán nó sẽ sớm sụp đổ.

  • the demise of the USSR

    sự sụp đổ của Liên Xô

Extra examples:
  • The war brought about the industry's sudden demise.

    Chiến tranh đã khiến ngành này đột ngột sụp đổ.

  • the events which contributed to his political demise

    những sự kiện góp phần vào sự sụp đổ chính trị của ông


cái chết

  • his imminent/sudden/sad demise

    cái chết sắp xảy ra/đột ngột/đáng buồn của anh ấy