Definition of dazzlingly


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The word "dazzlingly" is an adverb that modifies the adjective "dazzling". The adjective "dazzling" comes from the Old French word "dazlier", which means "to go out" or "to extinguish", referring to the temporary blinding effect of bright light. This sense of overwhelming brightness likely arose from the idea that a flickering flame or a burst of light could temporarily "put out" one's vision. The adverb "dazzlingly" likely developed from alterations to the Middle English word "dazling", which was a variant of "dazlinge" (meaning "shining" or "glowing"). By the 17th century, "dazzlingly" emerged as a prefix meaning "in a dazzling manner", implying a quality that is so impressive or striking as to be breathtaking. Since then, "dazzlingly" has been used to describe things that are truly remarkable, astonishing, or captivating.


very brightly

rất sáng sủa

  • dazzlingly white

    trắng chói lóa

in a way that impresses somebody very much

theo cách gây ấn tượng sâu sắc với ai đó

  • She was dazzlingly beautiful.

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