Definition of shockingly


thật đáng kinh ngạc


The word "shockingly" has its roots in the 15th century. The verb "to shock" originally meant "to strike or hit" and was derived from the Old English word "scocan," meaning "to strike" or "to hit." Over time, the meaning of "to shock" expanded to include the idea of causing a strong and often unpleasant emotion, such as surprise, alarm, or disgust. The adverb "shockingly" emerged in the 17th century, initially meaning "in a shocking manner" or "in a way that is shocking." It was often used to describe something that was not only unexpected but also disturbing or offensive. Today, "shockingly" is used to express astonishment, disbelief, or dismay at something that is unusual, surprising, or disturbing.


in a way that offends or upsets people; in a way that is morally wrong

theo cách xúc phạm hoặc làm mọi người khó chịu; theo cách sai trái về mặt đạo đức

  • a shockingly high mortality rate

    tỷ lệ tử vong cao một cách đáng kinh ngạc

  • shockingly violent scenes

    cảnh bạo lực kinh hoàng

in a very bad way

theo một cách rất tệ

  • Internal communication has been shockingly poor.

    Việc giao tiếp nội bộ ở đây cực kỳ kém.