Definition of constellation


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The word "constellation" has its roots in Latin and Greek. In Latin, the word "constellatio" means "a setting up together" or "a joint arrangement." This word was derived from "constare," which means "to stand together" or "to remain firm." In ancient Greek, the word "asterismos" (ἀστερισμός) referred to a group of stars that formed a pattern or figure. The Greek philosopher Aristotle used this term to describe the patterns of stars in the night sky. When the Latin word "constellatio" was translated into Middle English, it became "constellacioun" or "constellation." Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include not only the patterns of stars in the sky but also the mythological figures and stories associated with them. Today, the term "constellation" is used to describe both the star patterns and the larger region of the sky that they inhabit.


a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a name

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