Definition of conformable


có thể thích nghi


The word "conformable" originates from the Latin verb "conformare," which means "to form together" or "to make similar." The term originally referred to the process of making two surfaces or objects fit together perfectly, such as when constructing a building or assembling a piece of machinery. In mathematics, the term was adopted to describe two functions or curves that have a similar shape or behavior, particularly when graphed. In this context, the term "conformable" is used to indicate that the functions or curves can be transformed into each other without significant distortion, such as by stretching, shrinking, flipping, or rotating. The mathematical concept of conformability has important applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics, where predictions and analyses depend on the similarity of certain phenomena. For example, in fluid mechanics, conformable curves are used to study the flow of fluids through pipes and other structures, whereas in economics, conformable functions are applied to forecast the relationship between different economic variables. The continued use of the word "conformable" in these contexts reflects its usefulness and relevance in a variety of mathematical and scientific disciplines.


similar in form or nature to something; in agreement with something

có hình thức hoặc bản chất tương tự với cái gì đó; phù hợp với cái gì đó

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