Definition of cooperative


hợp tác xã


The word cooperative has its roots in the late 19th century when a group of silk weavers in the English town of Rochdale faced economic hardships due to the competition posed by the rise of industrialization. In 1843, they pooled their resources into aprintfunding society and were able to procure goods at lower prices by buying in bulk. This model inspired other groups of workers in similar situations, and in 1844, the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers became the first modern cooperative, selling consumer goods instillments. The term cooperative, derived from the Latin word cooperare, meaning "to work together," was coined by the co-founders of the Rochdale Society to describe this innovative approach to community economics, which fostered collective decision making, self-reliance, and mutual support. The idea quickly spread to other towns in England, where cooperative societies sprung out, selling a multitude of products, including dairy, meat, and bakery products, paving the way for the flourishing of the cooperative movement worldwide. The Rochdale Pioneers' four principles of cooperation - voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member's economic participation, and cooperation for the common good - have been fundamental to the cooperative's development and continue to inspire the cooperative spirit around the world. The term cooperative has since come to be associated with a wide range of enterprises, from consumer cooperatives to worker cooperatives, agriculture cooperatives, and housing cooperatives, serving as a symbol of community value, social change, and local economic resilience.


involving doing something together or working together with others towards a shared aim

liên quan đến việc làm điều gì đó cùng nhau hoặc làm việc cùng với những người khác hướng tới một mục tiêu chung

  • Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work.

    Hoạt động hợp tác là cần thiết để làm việc cộng đồng hiệu quả.

  • The documentary was a cooperative effort by film-makers from five countries.

    Bộ phim tài liệu là nỗ lực hợp tác của các nhà làm phim từ năm quốc gia.

  • This is a cooperative venture with the University of Copenhagen.

    Đây là một liên doanh hợp tác với Đại học Copenhagen.

helpful by doing what you are asked to do

hữu ích bằng cách làm những gì bạn được yêu cầu làm

  • Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.

    Nhân viên nhìn chung sẽ hợp tác hơn nếu quan điểm của họ được xem xét nghiêm túc.

Related words and phrases

owned and run by the people involved, with the profits shared by them

được sở hữu và điều hành bởi những người liên quan, với lợi nhuận được chia sẻ bởi họ

  • a cooperative farm

    trang trại hợp tác

  • The cooperative movement started in Britain in the nineteenth century.

    Phong trào hợp tác xã bắt đầu ở Anh vào thế kỷ 19.